Raw Queries

Raw Queries

Sometimes the methods exposed by Prisma Client Rust cannot express the query you need. In this case, the client's _query_raw and _execute_raw can be used to send raw SQL to your database with fully sanitised arguments.

The prisma_client_rust::raw macro takes an SQL query as its first argument, followed by query variables of type prisma_client_rust::PrismaValue. To specify where in the query the variables should be inserted, use {}. Prisma Client Rust will take care of inserting the correct database specific variable identifier for you.

Even though raw appears similar to format and print, it will not compile-time validate that the number of variables you provide matches the number of {} in the query. That will only happen at runtime.

If the arguments you want to provide are constructed dynamically, and as such cannot be specified in the raw macro, you can import the Raw struct and create one manually by calling new with the SQL query and a Vec of PrismaValues.

The examples use the following Prisma schema and assume a SQLite database:

model Post {
    id        String   @id @default(cuid())
    createdAt DateTime @default(now())
    updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt
    published Boolean
    title     String
    content   String?
    views     Int      @default(0)


Use _query_raw for reading data. The return type is a Vec of a generic you specify, which must implement serde::Deserialize. The generic represents the shape of a row returned by the query.

See this enum for a reference of how database types map to Rust types.

use prisma_client_rust::{raw, PrismaValue};
use serde::Deserialize;
struct QueryReturnType {
    id: String,
    title: String
let data: Vec<QueryReturnType> = client
        "SELECT id, title FROM Post WHERE id != {}",


Use _execute_raw for writing data. It returns the number of rows that were modified.

use prisma_client_rust::{raw, PrismaValue};
let count = client
        "INSERT INTO Post (published, title) VALUES ({}, {})",
        PrismaValue::String("A Title".to_string())
assert_eq!(count, 1);